I’m trying to invite the Timer into the meeting with the invite link. It says it’s joining, but then nothing happens.
First, check that your meeting invite link is correct. It should look something like this: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/77899664747?pwd=UzMybXZHRU9yM3NIeEFqMmhQRGllQT09
If you have passcodes disabled, your link will be shorter. Also check that the 11 digit Meeting ID # matches your meeting and that you haven’t used a custom meeting ID. In this sample invite link, 77899664747 is the Meeting ID. The Timer is unable to join meetings with custom meeting ID's.
For most meetings, the best place to get the meeting invite link is from your active Zoom meeting, by clicking the green shield icon in the top left corner. (More details about that here.) If there are extra characters accidentally copied and pasted into the Invite page, the Timer won't be able to join.
Second, confirm that you have authentication turned off for the Timer to successfully join a meeting.
You may also want to login to the Zoom website and confirm that you have the "embed passcode" setting on, like this:
Feel free to contact us if you’re still having trouble!